1. Read the Bible
The Bible is the written Word of God that encapsulates God's love and purpose for all creation. It is through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, we catch a glimpse of God's heart and hope for the world. As you flip through the pages of the bible and through the various bible stories and characters, be assured it will provide clarity and direction to your life.
Get the Bible app for:
Besides the Bible, you can also get a hold of devotional materials that can help you understand the Bible better, encourage you in your faith and walk with God, as well as guide your devotion time with God.
The app above provides in-house devotional materials. Another great free resource is the
"Our Daily Bread" material that you can subscribe for.
2. Pray
Prayer is an essential part of Christianity. The truth is prayer is never about the length nor eloquence of our words but it's really about the simplicity of our heart. The Creator of the universe sees your tears, pain and struggles, like a father who cares for a child. He wants you to bring your requests before Him.
Prayer is a two-way communication. While God welcomes us to share our requests, He also wants us to listen for His response.
If you are unsure how to pray, here's a sample of a prayer you can pray along:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever.
3. Worship
Worship in it's simplicity is singing songs as an expression of love, reverence and awe to God. It enables us to focus and depend on the greatness of our God in our everyday life.
We've put together a playlist of worship songs that we love to listen to. You can listen to the playlist on both Spotify and Youtube.
4. Connect Groups
Connect groups are basically a support group of 10-15 people who meet regularly in different homes to talk about life and God. These groups become our support group where we do life together - through the good and bad times.
Join us for our connect groups where we are ' big enough to celebrate, small enough to care' and where friends become family.
Click here to get connected!
5. Sunday Services & Online Services
Join us for our Sunday Services at 8.30am or 10.45 am. There we will worship God together, celebrate His goodness as a family, and experience His grace as a church. After the service, you can walk over to the Visitors Lounge to meet with someone, get to know the church better, as well as ask for prayer.
You can also join us online every Sunday, 10:45 am.
6. Bible Studies
One of the best ways to learn more about God is to know more of His Word. You can do so by studying the Word of God and His ways through one-on-one follow up, discipleship groups or Bible Study classes.
If you have just accepted Jesus as your God, start with our New Life booklet:
'New Life' is a new believers Christian track designed to help you understand more about Christianity and to help you grow in your walk with Christ.
You can view and download our 'New Life' material here. Ask to connect with someone who can walk with you through this material as well.