These are short-term classes that are aimed to build your foundational knowledge about the Word, God and His Church. These classes are both theological and devotional that you can both learn and apply in your walk with Christ.
Here is a list of coming classes that you can sign up for:
Recognizing False Teachings
Teacher: Ps Joshua
"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" – Galatians 1:8
The Word of God repeatedly warns us of false prophets in sheep's clothing and cautions us to recognise them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-16). Yet millions of sincere Christians have been led astray. Cults will not come to you declaring falsehood but sneakily & eloquently presenting themselves as one with the “true” gospel.
The question is, “Are you able to recognise a false teaching cleverly masquerading itself as truth today?” We will explore the timeless marks, common red flags & examples of cults (in belief & behaviour) as we also armed ourselves with the essential truths of biblical Christianity. Sufficient resources (notes, articles, videos, websites) will be provided during the class.
18 Feb 2023 - 11 March 2023
10 AM - 11.30 AM
New available classes will be updated from time to time. Do check this space for updates.
Book Of James (Teaching Tuesday)
[Foundational. Insightful. Interactive]
Published by Navigators, this course will give you insight an understanding and encouragement to help you grow in Christ.
Teacher: Peter Lim
April 18 2023
New available classes will be updated from time to time. Do check this space for updates.
Holy Spirit
Teacher: Ps Anne
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who was there at the beginning of creation and dwells in us believers today. Understand the person and the power of the Holy Spirit who moves through history in accomplishing the Will of the Father. We will learn also be learning about the history of Pentecostalism, that is so marked by the move and baptism of the Holy Spirit.
1 April 2023
Saturday, 9 AM - 2 PM
New available classes will be updated from time to time. Do check this space for updates.